Sunday, November 12, 2006

Too much time on my hands...

So Saturday my second child and his friends were bored. And look what they found to do to amuse themselves. I went to pick them all up to take them to Macey's and I actually had a moment in which I watched some stranger slide audaciously into the passenger seat next to me and I wondered, who was this kid sitting by me and why was he wearing my son's clothes?A mullet? Willingly and of his own volition?

Don't laugh, it only encourages him.

So after a few "I-love-you-honey-but-you-look-like-a-dork" comments on my part, we headed for Macey's.

Under solemn vow, he agreed not to shop on the same aisles I shopped.

He and I were waiting at the customer service desk for some change when some college student had the nerve to stop and ask him if he could take his picture. "Sure," Z~ said, and the guy whipped out his cell phone, took a picture, and continued to go on and on about how cool it was that my kid's got a mullet.

He asked Z~ why he did it. "Because I was bored," Z~ replied.

I looked at the guy and said, "Yeah, some people's kids do drugs when they're bored. But me, I get a kid that goes and gets himself a mullet.

Best part was after church today when--AFTER SPENDING HALF THE MEETING WONDERING WHO WAS THIS KID I WAS LETTING REST HIS HEAD ON MY SHOULDER AND MY LAP--everyone figured out that it was indeed my own kid, Z~.



sue-donym said...


carblemarble said...

Most of the guys in my senior class cut their hair in mullets about an hour before graduation. It was disgusting and yet fitting (rural Arkansas town). I am so glad I left there just 2 days after I graduated.

Bek said...

That is awesome. Not awesome for you, but that you have a child who would single handedly bring back the mullett..

At least he has a sense of himself and isn't worried about who he is and what others will think. Right?

Handsome boy........

wendysue said...

Ok I believe this calls for "Salon perm? No! Ogilvie Home Perm!"
That would just complete it, don't you think??

Sarah said...

Would a mullet by any other name look as sweet? I think not.

Sister Pottymouth said...

THAT is Z???? I wondered who was over there on your shoulder during sacrament meeting yesterday. It looked sort of like L, but I know he's not the "put your head on my shoulder" type of kid.

Did he use "Gee your hair smells terrific" shampoo?

Lyle said...

Hair styles are definitely a lesser worrry for parents than some other teenage issues.

Elizabeth-W said...

I'm voting with Lyle--my parents were reallly tolerant of my hair experiences, or shall I say experiments? I love it when teenage boys start experimenting with their facial hair.

JandB said...

i didn't even recognize the picture as Z at first! i was wondering why you had a picture of some random kid on your blog! i wouldn't have walked down the same isle as him either, but your right, a mullet is better than drugs...i think.

Geo said...

What do you mean? A mullet is a drug. You can't tell me these photos are not evidence of seriously impaired perception.

(But at least you can take comfort in the obvious fact that this boy is comfortable with himself!)


dalene said...

Oh I think it's all hysterical. I am very much a "choose your battles" kind of mom and hair is not one I choose to fight with anyone.

I know tone is so lost in print, but when I made that comment to the Zoobie in Macey's it was all like a kid on a mullet binge was so much worse than a kid on drugs. (Which I don't believe, of course, but I'm sure it's right up there...)

Carina said...

What? He's showing initiative and follow-through. He's headed for the corner office, that one.

jake roi said...

I particularly like how you had him "turn to the right".

Whoever did the cut did a good job, it's fab, just fab.

P.S. At least he didn't he break your achy breaky heart? (Sorry, I know that's simply horrible, but I couldn't help it.)

dalene said...

Glad you picked up on that mug shot look we were going for there...