Thursday, November 09, 2006

From the latest headlines...

Now this is a movement I could really get behind.

This one not so much I think. Of course I support the idea of alternative fuels, but I just don't think I could bring myself to go into Lowes and say, "Could you tell me on which aisle I might find the manure furnaces?" or to start shopping on the Internet for good deals on manure.

Jo March would be rolling in her grave:
Dear mother,
Your six-month old probably doesn't yet feel the need to sport $300 dresses and $200 shoes and parade his or herself before audiences and the flashing lights of cameras.
Dear Lanina's mother,
Lanina probably didn't smile as much or win Miss Personality because you didn't make the time to feed her breakfast. Three-year olds- need to start their days--particularly high-pressure "smile-pretty-for-the-people" kinds of days--with a good breakfast.

Some people's parents...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Mr. Snowbank. Who else do you know who gets so dang enthused over weather? (Of course, in my other life I am a meteorologist and a part-time storm chaser.) I used to get actual chills up my spine when he broke out the white coat (pardon the pun).

Just wish I would've written this headline (which is, I'll admit, better than the actual story. I would've made something up--some secret romance, ghosts from beyond, etc.)

From K-Fed to Fed-X. I'm going to keep going all the way through until I'm 30," he says. (Because 30 is so old.) "Then I'm really going to sit back and take some time off." (Honey, hasn't your entire life been sitting back and taking "some time off?")

One more reason you shouldn't be caught dead without your scriptures.


La Yen said...

Hi. My name is La Yen. And I love pageants. Love them. Love love love them. Unfortunately, barring W's deployment for a year, I will not be able to sneak Jooj off to them. Because her Papi hates pageants. I also love cheerleading. Same issue. I know htat they are all wrong and give bad messages, but they also give good messages, like "You are a winner. And here is a trophy. And some money. Now Put on a Happy Face." It is a sickness.

Lyle said...

"Rather than ridicule the behavior, companies like Merrill Lynch (nyse: MER - news - people ), Office Depot (nyse: ODP -news - people ) and others are starting to include parents in their recruiting efforts."

What part of encouraging a "social problem" don't these people get?

"Privately, many recruiters say they're troubled by this behavior. But some seem more willing to embrace the trend than to mock it, especially as the labor market tightens. Instead of ridiculing hovering helicopter parents, some companies now try to woo parents and children."
Labor shortages...baaahh. Give me the job then. I don't have my parents setting up interviews, writing my resumes, calling in sick for me, holding my hand while I go to the bathroom....

No nerves touched here with this issue.

dalene said...

La Yen (--do you know you are one of my favorite people and I've never even met you?):

But you like feed Jooj, right?


No holds barred, I'm not above ridiculing: Get your own lives people!

JandB said...

aren't the college kids embarrased by their parents?! i don't get it either. looks like its time to cut the umbilical cord!

i totally knew brittany and k-fed would break up!

cabesh said...

I miss "Mr. Snowbank". We used to stay up just to watch him on the 10:00 news....he made me smile, no matter what the weather was going to be.

La Yen- I really like pagents (but not kid ones) and I LOVE cheerleading.....oh well.

dalene said...

Dear pageant-lovers,

I am not knocking pageants (although I'm not always above that) and I never even mentioned cheerleading.

It's just my opinion that six months old is a little young for all that pressure put on by some mothers. Also, I put Lanina's mom right up there with those parents who get mad and mean when they are at Wal-Mart at 11:30 p.m and they find their young offspring feeling a little whiney and uncooperative.

Note to such parents: Feed your children; put them to bed at a decent hour. It's sort of the minimum daily requirements of parenting, is it not?

La Yen said...

I am TOTALLY knocking pageants. Just the way a heroin addict knows it is going to kill him one day, but can't stop. That is why W can't leave me alone with the baby for too much time, and will NEVER let me go to Dollywood, home of the biggest and best pageant dress shop ever. Because I have a disease. And cheerleading is not anything like pageants, but it is just another one of things that W won't let me do. But we are fighting on that one.

Geo said...

Howie the Kilt Boy is pretty cute. His idea of making the kilt "an everyday piece of clothing" is a good one, but it makes me chuckle to see the price tag. I guess you would have to wear it every day . . . 'cause your piggy bank would be empty after that! Still, I'd love to invest . . . . You should check out this other site too. When one of our family members came back from a long, rough go in Iraq, some of us chipped in and got him one of these kilts. He's a tough Guiness-drinking punk rock ska boy and he loved his new skirt!

Elizabeth-W said...

So are you telling me I should carry my big ol quad around with me everywhere? Because I was thinking about getting them downloaded to my little palm-y thing.

dalene said...

Nice site Geo. I think kilts are so hot!