Friday, November 10, 2006

Stuck in the middle with whom?

What does it mean that most of my friends are either having babies (or courageously trying to make them) or having grandchildren right now? I'm sort of this misfit in the middle--not too old nor too young for either--but somehow still stuck in the no-woman's land in between.

Oddly enough, I am content. If not for feeling alone.

Over with one. Not ready for the other. But truly excited for everyone else. That's all OK. (But for not quite feeling like I really fit in with either crowd.)

Just a wondering how I got here and what I do with myself until I get to the next stage...


Carina said...

I remember when I was 14 or so going to my dad's 30th PHS reunion. There were people his age there with grandchildren. It kind of blew my mind a little. That's when I realized that age has nothing to do with stages of family.

I say enjoy the middle stage--with kids that are independant, but still want you. You're young enough to do anything you want yet wise enough to not act like a dork.

cabesh said...

As one of those still having babies, I love people in your situation. You understand my situation, give useful advice, and have patience for my kids. At the same time you think they're cute becaues they're littler than yours and you don't have grandkids to dote upon.

I'm in a YW presidency with 3 women in your stage of life, and I can't tell you what an inspiration and strength they are to me. They let me know that I can do it, and are helping me to get there. You can be that person for others like me.

Millie said...

I'm so grateful to be done having kids. Totally happy to have moved on. My children are still young enough that they still need lots of Mommy, so I have a lot to occupy my time, but my oldest will be in high school next year and I'm excited for the things he'll start doing soon - scared, but excited. It's a good time right now.

Millie said...

I'm so grateful to be done having kids. Totally happy to have moved on. My children are still young enough that they still need lots of Mommy, so I have a lot to occupy my time, but my oldest will be in high school next year and I'm excited for the things he'll start doing soon - scared, but excited. It's a good time right now.

Susy Q said...

I came across your blog through some other (mostly adoption) blogs I read. I, too, am a "compulsive writer"! (Can you tell by my blog?

I'll be sure to read more!

b. said...

Me too. Just the other night we saw a report about a woman being able to have a uterus implant, my husb. said, "There ya go, dear." I hesitated for one brief moment before saying, "Ummmm, no." I better not have any g-kids in the works for at least a decade! But I know what you mean....stuck in the middle.

Ms. Julie said...

I'm so happy you're "in the middle" with me. You are most definitely NOT alone.

I'm so excited to be in this time of life. Like lianne, I love hanging out with my kids! I'm grateful to not be changing diapers anymore (I remember calling my mom a few years ago, crying to her that I was "so tired of touching poop!"). I love being excited for other people's babies and grandbabies, and holding them and loving them and cooing over them.

I am definitely not ready to stop acting like a dork, either. *smirk* I still do cartwheels on the grass and I sing and dance in public places (oh sure, on stage...but also at Wal-Mart and in my driveway). I don't want to "act my age", and I'm old enough to make that choice for myself.

I adore you! I'm so grateful for you in my life. If you're a misfit, then so am I...and I'm so glad we get to share that lable.

dalene said...

The best part was when I returned back to my cubicle after learning yet another friend had just had her first grandchild and it sort of just hit me that I could be a grandma, too. I said out loud how weird it was--generalizing that all my friends were grandmothers (not true, I know).

One of my young 20-something co-workers (yes, I am old enough to be his mother--legally even) took issue with that and offered this, "But we're all your friends, and we're not all grandmothers.

p.s. thanks Azucar, for assuming I'm wise enough to not act like a dork...