Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sanity thy name is chocolate

Saturday night I chose to forgo the sink full of dirty dishes and the pile of washed and dried but not folded laundry in the middle of my laundry room floor and chose instead to curl up with this
The magazine is--like the pile of her sisters (including one which I have not even had the time to open)--most likely just wishful thinking. "Window shopping" as it were. Like my life will ever be real simple.

and this...Sanity thy name is chocolate.


Carina said...

I bought my first pint of Mayan Chocolate a few days ago. I like, uh-lot, but it does keep me up at night.

Elizabeth-W said...

LOVE the mayan chocolate!

dalene said...

It's soooooo smooth! You know I'm not exactly the picture of restraint, but I honestly can only eat a few bites at a time. But I savor every single one.

~j. said...

humunuh-humunuhLOVE that mayan chocolate!!!