Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I am thankful for...

...BYU 33-Utah 31. What a game! What a last-second thrill! What a win! Wahoo!!!

...all the people linked at the left (and others) who occasionally drop in to read my musings and often add their two cents. I appreciate that your blogs can make me both laugh and cry. I am sobered, amused, entertained, educated and enlightened by reading your posts. Thank you! friends--and the looks I get when I tell people I'm going to go hang out with a bunch of people I met on the Internet.

...lianne for discovering my inner purple. And for creating a fresh new look that addresses another favorite obsession of mine.

...a husband who taught me to notice and appreciate the simple things, who is an involved father and who treats me as an equal and lets me be who I am even if it's not exactly what he expected. who don't try to pretend I'm not their mom or hide and pretend they're not actually with me when we go out in public.


...that I overcame a number of my biggest fears and flew to Finland this fall for the trip of a lifetime.

...a roof over my head--even if the part over the garage leaks a bit.

...good food to eat. An abundance I often take for granted, but do realize is not similarly enjoyed by a good part of the world's population.

...warm clothes in the winter. Central air and a good furnace. Shoes on my feet. Quilts throughout the house. All the comforts of home. Even if it is a bit lived in.

...a good job working with good people. They make it worth it to show up for another day's labor.

...bek, whom I want to be just like whenever I grow up because she inspired me to become a kinder, gentler blogger with this (sorry Ashton).

...great neighbors, most excellent friends, amazing sister-friends.

...the arts of reading a well-written book or engaging a well-turned phrase.

...the presence and beauty of the mountains.

...a sense of belonging and of connectedness to family and to friends--whom I consider family.

...that I am capable of making a passably delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Thanks, of course, to recipes handed down by family and friends.

...all those summers of my youth during which an entire week was devoted to baking pies for the annual Scandinavian Festival. I used to think I didn't have any talents, but now I think if it were written on my tombstone, "She baked a mighty fine pie," I could possibly rest in peace under that.

...each new day that allows me another chance to grow up a little bit, at least try to be a better person, and hope for a simple opportunity to brighten someone's day or make the world a little better place.

...a national holiday that reminds us to be mindful of blessings we should be thankful for year 'round.

...the simple way having a heart full of gratitude serves a dual purpose of both wrapping up the fall harvest and ushering in the Christmas season.

Of course there's much, much more, but I need to go start the pies.

So what's on your list?


sue-donym said...

That was inspiring. Thank you for sharing and keeping us on track with the REAL meaning of Thanksgiving.

How do you like Zippy so far?

Rhonda Sloan said...

You have a lot to be thankful for!

My list includes an adorable child, a loving husband, lots of interesting friends, family (half-crazed as well), health, a nice home, adoring pets, my sanity, smiles from strangers this time of year, beautiful weather, and the smell of good food cooking (and the fact that my hubby cooks it all!).

Happy Thanksgiving!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

So, Miss Lianne is responsible for the beeeyoootiful new look here. I'm not surprised. You did a great job, Lianne!

Now I'm going to quote Nacho Libre:
"You gotta be kidding me. Everything you just said, is MY favourite thing too."

So very many things to be thankful for, and that includes you and your cleverness too, Dalene.


Bek said...

That is a wonderful list. Notice that the KindBlog thing doesn't say you can't be snarky...just not cruel. You weren't mean. :-)

Hope you had a good day.........

dalene said...

I love that--snarky but not cruel. I think I can manage that (and I really was pulling strong during the entire interview for Ashton to say something intelligent. I wanted there to be some substance there. Really truly.)

Thanksgiving was great--can't wait to do it all over again on Sunday!

dalene said...

p.s. Sue--Zippy was great. After Christmas I'm going to read the sequel--for no other reason than the title "She Got Up Off the Couch: And Other Heroic Acts From Mooreland, Indiana."

Now I'm trying to get ready for Christmas with the current book and then one of my all-time holiday favorites, "Skipping Christmas."

I read it every year.

Along with Luke, chapter 2.

Lyle said...

thankful that I did not suffer any major injuries at the EQ. versus YM Turkey Bowl. Final score was actually 35-35...It's a good thing the game ended when it did. The EQ's were starting to get winded.

Sister Pottymouth said...

Sisters. Biological and not. You and so many others are on the list.

Blogging. A whole new world of potential sisters. Awesome.

Not shopping on Black Friday.

That is all.

dalene said...

So relieved your turkey bowl was injury-free, Lyle.

Jules--had similar vow. Ended up at Big-O Tires waiting for two new tires (per car on two cars--OUCH!).

It was so close to the mall I just couldn't help myself.

She shoots. She scores! The rooster tapestry Jan brought me back from the market in Paris is no longer sitting in the red plastic bag on a pile of my quilts--it will be matted and framed in about 2 weeks for less than half the price I was quoted elsewhere--70% off the total framing order. Wahoo!

Then I realized the mall is so close to Costco I just couldn't help myself...

You get the picture.

Sarah said...

Great new look! I love that the inner purple is now out there for everyone to enjoy! I've got to say, I've alwasy been a purple fan myself. But you can't really go around putting it on all your walls otherwise people think you're crazy. I can't think of any purple in my house - I'll have to so something about that when I get back from vacation.

JandB said...

that definately was a great game!!! i can't believe BYU pulled off that win. it was absolutely amazing.

Lorien said...

you, for starters!

trying to catch up. boy do you write a lot. do you ghost write for delinquent bloggers?

Lorien said...
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dalene said...

I know it's a compulsion. I'm sorry. I'll try not to be so verbose. (But you know me, I won't likely be very successful!)

dalene said...

p.s. It really is a sickness. Did you know I know have three blogs? The second one is just of our Finland trip, but I also recently started one called Simple Things (link at left).

Call me crazy and disconnect my Internet!