Monday, March 19, 2007

Pave paradise and put up a parking lot. And other nonsense.

After the style of a certain and mediocre local restaurant reviewer, I too want to be queen for a day.

We are annoyed:

Boo! Hiss!

We don't need high rises. We have mountains!

But mostly we are amused:

The latest findings in important health research are a compelling reason to run right out to Target this very minute and purchase a package of the new green Peeps.

But only if you have an arsenal of matches, alcohol and other destructive materials on hand.

I sense the makings of a fabulous science fair project.

The Valerie Plame story is something I take almost as seriously as the latest Peeps research. The passion is palpable.

She is tall and thin, with pink lip gloss and frosted blond hair betraying a hint of dark roots. A diamond ring reminds us of her husband, who, for once, has not accompanied her to a location where there are cameras.

Cue the lava already. Or the crickets. Or more palpable passion if you will.

This man is freakin' brilliant. Maybe you have to read his books to fully appreciate the genius. Maybe I'm just twisted. But unless you absolutely loathe fantasy, give "The Eyre Affair" a go. I've never been so thoroughly amused or distracted.

"You know Jack...?"

Except maybe by this. I was first introduced to the theory of bracketology over at excessively diverted. If you think about it, the possibilities are endless. Be sure to check out my personal favorite, marital arguments.

The only fight we'd ever have is what
video to rent on Saturday night.

Who fights about that?

And now we'll take another order of your limp fries, thank you very much. Even though call it personal preference... we like ours crispy.


~j. said...

"where were you" bracket for me ended up being between 9/11 and the OJ verdict. 9/11 won.

Geo said...

Know what else chaps my hide about the towers plan, besides everything? The magnolia tree at Zions Bank will be endangered. I can't tell you how that bugs me. I love that tree. It's my best Southern friend in the state.

Gonna have to burn off some anger energy with a tourney of Peep-jousting.

Lyle said...

Just to play the devil's advocate...just like the contraversy over the Provo Airport, the city is growing and is expected to "fill" the role of a bigger city...which includes highrises.

That does not mean that I am in favor of big tall buildings.

Lianne said...

So... The Eyre Affair is going on my list.

And I love Peeps. They are just scary.

Cari said...

I love the character of Historic Downtown Provo! Can't they find another place for high rises? Like East Bay or something?

glo said...

Seriously, the marital thing was the best way I've ever wasting 2 minutes! In the end, it all came down to BPS v. Pilates....

Anonymous said...

Georgetown over UCLA in the finals! It's the only part still intact from my bracket, but it's the only one I need to get right to win the cash.

Carrot Jello said...

"We don't need high rises. We have mountains!"
Yes, all you need are some windows, and office furniture in them there mountains, and they'll be all set!

dalene said...

~j--isn't that interesting? For me it was between 9/11 and Princess Diana. So what a juxtaposition between substance and celebrity (although I was a fan).

geo--I think a Peep jousting tourney sounds fabulous!

lyle--I know what you mean. Except call me old-fashioned, I don't want to be another Salt Lake City. I don't want to grow up!

lianne--the green ones are just pretty to look at.

Cari--what a brilliant idea!

glo--I was stumped just by the purpose. Does closure mean they're going to get over the argument or get over the marriage?

dem--good luck with that.


Unknown said...

I had a dream last night that you and I met. It was beautiful, we gave each other a (((big hug)))).

Whenever we drive through the Rockies over to Denver, I look up at the mountains and imagine what it would be like to have a bed with soft white linens hidden in the trees.

pflower10 said...

FROSTED????? Women haven't FROSTED their hair since the early 80's. What dinosaur wrote FROSTED?????

dalene said...

annie--of course there would be big hugs!

pflower--not to mention the way the entire piece is written like fiction, yet it was the first prominent story a certain local paper had published about this hearing and it was splayed across the very front page as if this were actual news.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Ahh...~heaves a deep sigh of contentment...out her window where it splats happily into a mountain~ I love your blog, have I told you that yet?

~surreptitiously slips you onto her blog feed page~

sue-donym said...

No comment

dalene said...

kimberly--thanks--I needed that.

sue-donym--yours is the comment I've been waiting for regarding that you-know-what you about which you remain silent. We must talk. Seriously!

sue-donym said...

I would love to talk... I just cannot format my thoughts into this square little blogger box.

I have actually visited this post 5 or 6 times this past week. I suppose I am lurking this week - just to read what other people are saying.

dalene said...

They're not saying enough, that's for sure. I will have to host a discussion just about that topic alone. Do people just not know???

Luisa Perkins said...

I LOVED all the Jasper Fforde books--they're ingenious! I can't wait for the next one.