Sunday, December 17, 2006

Who's your favorite Scrooge?

I am a huge fan of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol."

When I was a kid my dad would gather us together and we would turn down all the lights and listen to the annual radio broadcast of "A Christmas Carol." We had an intercom system in our home so we could be wherever we wanted to, but there were no books, TV, 8-track cassette or any other forms of entertainment allowed--just the radio. My favorite place to listen was sprawled out with my siblings on the carpet somewhere. Maybe it was the novelty of a radio show. Maybe it was just the magic of the season. But we were mesmerized and it quickly became a family favorite.

For the past three years we have been privileged to see the performance at the Hale Center Theater. I highly recommend it. The music is heavenly (how could it not be with this fabulous director?) and their Scrooge was born to play the part. They also have a lot of fun with it. The first year we happened to sit in the corner where Marley's ghost exits the stage. We will never forget how when he flung his chains in the middle of his last great moan they hit my second son right across the chest. That moment had impact and made the story real for all of us.

Even having seen it in the theater we will still watch the DVD a couple of times--or more--as well. I am about as picky about my Scrooge as I am about my Hamlet. But, hands down, my favorite Scrooge is George C. Scott.

Patrick Stewart does a decent Scrooge. (Except there are moments during which I begin to think we're in the halodeck and I half expect Geordi or Data to drop in.) "The Captain" also has done an audio book--and it's simply wonderful.

We did at one time have the Disney cartoon Scrooge on VHS, but we seem to have misplaced the VCR.

(I have a friend whose favorite Scrooge is Mr. Magoo. But I think perhaps most of you are too young to remember Mr. Magoo.)

In any case, the story is a good reminder to make people more important than possessions and to be responsible for the well-being of one-another. It will always be close to my heart.

So, who's your favorite Scrooge?


~j. said...


Elizabeth-W said...

Pickard, by far. But I have a thing for him, anyway.

Lorien said...

I, too, have a thing for Patrick Stewart. Has bald ever looked so good? Haven't seen him as Scrooge, though.

As a kid I loved Rich Little as W.C. Fields as Scrooge. I haven't seen Rich Little's Christmas Carol in years, but I remember thinking it was pretty funny. I need to watch again. I also like Muppet Christmas Carol.

glo said...

Uncle Scrooge McDuck. Just love him. He taught me about the meaning of Christmas and the love of money. You can't ask for more in an avian relative.

sue-donym said...

Patrick Stewart all the way baby.
Although I need to give George C Scott another chance. Haven't seen that version since I was little, and he scared the pants off me back then.

luckyzmom said...

I remember Mr Magoo.And I vote for George C. Scott.

Ms. Julie said...

I love Albert Finney in the musical "Scrooge". It is, by far, my favorite treatment of the story. He's my favorite Scrooge whose performance you can still watch.

When I was a kid, my dad performed in A Christmas Carol nearly every year. Sometimes he was a ghost, some years he was Bob Cratchit. He was a great actor, always very believable. From the time I was a teenager, he would always play Scrooge. I wish with all my heart we had a video tape of ANY of these performances. I guess we just figured it was what he did every year, and he would always be around.

Rhonda Sloan said...

I love Bill Murray as Scrooge. His sarcasm cracks me up.

dalene said...

I need to see that one--I love Bill Murray!