Wednesday, December 06, 2006

~j: It's time to take action...

Griswold vs. Griswold: Showdown!

I don't even bother putting up my own lights anymore (well, my husband might when he gets around to it).


~j. said...

gotcha. give me a day or two to get the photos...

Lyle said...

That is jsut what Ransom Canyon out yonder here looks like. All the houses are lit up like this. It's crazy. Some these folks probably spend more on Christmas lights and decorations than I make in a year.

It's like...who can compete with all makes my single strand across the eaves of the house look pathetic and embarassing. oye vey, I shall hang my head in shame, deep in the sands of humility.

[Even if I had the money, I would never want to spend the time setting all that up]

Sister Pottymouth said...

It gives me peace seeing that house and knowing that, because of them, I DON'T have to waste my electricity on outdoor lighting.

Carrot Jello said...

I think about peoples electricity bills too. Call me frugal, but I'd settle for just having lights on my roof.

JandB said...

i love driving past that house around christmas time!!! i wonder how long it takes them to set it all up. i know i would never do this much decorating, but its fun to see that other people do this.

b. said...

Whose house is that? My about seeing it from Uranus!!

dalene said...

Don't get me wrong. I am no way knocking this. It makes the under-achiever in me perfectly happy to just sit back and look out the window without a care in the world because I simply don't have to compete with this.

Takes all the pressure off and I get several rooms with a view and a reasonable power bill. I'm just fine with that!

Lorien said...

hee hee hee.

that's all I have to say. except:

I used to have a house that was SOOO cute when we did it up in lights (but no plastic disney light-up things or blow up santas allowed).

b. said...

I got the Spanish Fork Festival of Lights for my neighbor.....close enough that if we open the windows we could hear the music playing.....that is PLENTY of festivity for me. I'm with you....let somebody else pay that bill!

LuckyRedHen said...

Come check out a house of lights that go on/off, fade in/out and blink to the tune of Christmas music that's piped through your car radio!

Since most of you are south of it I'll give you general directions from Orem:
S on State
R at Purple Turtle
L at Manila sign (Mt. Timpanogos temple road)
R at old white church on corner
R at silos through stone entry (then over bridge)
R at the fork and it's on the right... can't miss it!

Sarah said...

Looks like they are sending up signals to aliens. People spend INSANE amounts of money getting their houses lit at Christmas. For example in Dallas where I'm from people frequently spend anywhere up to $20,000 to get their three story trees wrapped (every individual branch). My dad didn't realize how expensive it was because so many people in his town do it and called the guys to have them come do his house and was floored at how much it costs. All for what? It's insane.

Bek said...

We have a whole street here in Palo Alto too that has about 10 houses on it. They ALL look like this. Well, not all. There are always a few neighbors that don't (can you blame them). For the whole months of December people block traffic, walk up and down the street, etc. I would be really unhappy if I bought a house on that street and didn't know about that. :-) It is fine if you WANT to do it, but wouldn't you feel like you HAD to?

You both should invite your neighbors over for a showing of National Lampoons Christmas... :-)

C. Jane Kendrick said...

Allow me to say that I think this is tastefully done. Most Grizwolds don't have near this class.

(I detect class. That is what I do.)

Elizabeth-W said...

I love it when people do that stuff. I want to send them thank-you cards. Seriously. It gives my kiddos huge amounts of pleasure. How many other things in life require so little effort on my part? I just have to drive the car after 5 pm. That's it. Sheer joy achieved.
My girls have routes planned on how to get places based on the lighting possibilities.

La Yen said...

I LOVE THAT. It is my dream. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

There are very few of those type lit houses around our town and the ones that do it up right always have a stream of cars creeping past.
As a Christmas house outside-decorator of many years and several houses, I would like to know were all those lights plug in? AND don't they end up with a piece of a string of lights that are a bit too long?

Geo said...

We'll be taking our annual driving tour of the local "houses that hate Christmas" a la Griswold next Monday. Tailgate party, anyone?