Wednesday, December 27, 2006

because I like a good game of tag as well as the next guy...

...(thanks lianne.) According to the rules…Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.' People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.

Six weird things about me
(...and glo said it first, but I terribly wanted to play off of a line from "Emma" and mention the difficulty in limiting myself just to six)

1. I used to eat pizza backwards. Mostly because I liked the chewy-gooey-cheesy part at the end and I ALWAYS save the best for last.

2. I was born with dimples on my shoulders. My mom used to pull my sleeves down to show people--maybe even complete strangers--when I was little. I still have the dimples, but thankfully she doesn't do that anymore.

3. I can negotiate a round-about successfully. Apparently being able to do so in Utah makes me weird.

4. I finally fulfilled one of my life-long dreams. I have been officially invited to sit at the cool table. I could die a happy and fulfilled woman now. (Of course making the list doesn't mean I am weird. But wanting so badly to be on it is likely to qualify me.)

5. I like to talk to people. Even perfect strangers. I'd like to think I understand social boundaries and don't trespass into the "too much information" zone. (Like the woman who once spilled out to me her entire life story--including too many details about her very messy divorce--while I was waiting in line to complain about my kid's lousy English honors teacher at Jr. High.) But I will most likely chat you up a bit if you happen to be waiting in the return line at Target or sitting next to me at the bus stop. OK, so that last one will never happen, but if it did...

6. I tore my ACL while participating in a dutch-oven cook off. The worst part is that I only took second place. It was a fabulous salmon recipe, but I forgot to account for the fact that some people take a strong dislike to seafood. My bad. In any case the recovery was hell and it's one of the worst experiences I've been through in my entire life. But now it's long past--except for the fact that I can't kneel on that knee and I never regained feeling in part of my right leg--I can at least get a kick out of telling people how I did it. It's not as "out there" as someone I know who tore her ACL on a stripper pole, but it's at least up there with weird ways to sustain a serious sports injury.

I know I'm supposed to tag people, but I can't bring myself to add one more thing to your to-do list over the holidays. If you feel like playing, jump right on in.


sue-donym said...

I want the salmon recipe.

Please :)

Ms. Julie said...

Funny....I've actually already been thinking about a list of weird things about me. Must be inspiration. Jumping on the bandwagon! *rushing off to blog*

b. said...

The fact that there IS a "cool table" at our age is weird....but, yeah.....I wanna sit at it too.

dalene said...

Here's the other sad thing about the ACL tear, Sue. I have no idea where that recipe is. Essentially I have a six-month period of my life where I remember little of the first two weeks except pain and helplessness. During the rest I remember fighting depression and pushing through some pretty intense physical therapy. People came to stay with us during that time and I don't even remember seeing them. It's even possible the dutch oven is sitting in a corner of my garage somewhere without ever having been cleaned out. Who knows? If I ever find it, however, I'll send it your way.

As has been discussed before, the blogroll can be both the beauty and the bane of bloggers. I'm really just having some fun with a way to describe the blogroll that I thought was rather clever. But the honest truth is there are bloggers out there whom I really respect and I do--not-so-secretly--sort of long to be on their blogrolls. It makes me feel like somebody I respect gets something about me and it can be very validating.

sue-donym said...

Uhhhmmm... please wash it first. (idding, I new you meant the recipe)

Glad that part of your life is over.

I would add you to my list, but I don't even have a clue how to add amything to my sidebar :(

Geo said...

If I had a cool table, there would definitely be an engraved place setting for you. You're weird and I like you.

Carrot Jello said...

One sign you live in Utah..."Dutch Oven Cook Off." Does any other state have those? LOL.

b. said...

Yer my hero.....I suck at dutch oven. Except when I do it in my own oven at home.....THEN I'm really good at it!
Every time I read this story about your ACL, I keep trying to picture exactly HOW it happened....were you boogie-ing while you were cooking? ANYWAY, I love that you are quite vocal about the cool table, thus making it easier for me to whine about it!

dalene said...

This is the lame part (excuse the pun, but it really is). We had this big cook trailer with a super steep step up. I was just stepping up onto the cook trailer to get something and it popped and I crashed. I learned later that the best chance you have of tearing your ACL is when you are straightening out your knee and for whatever reason you sink back into your bend (it's like the deceleration of the widening of the angle). I also learned that women are more prone to ACL tears and hormones can increase your chances of an ACL tear.

Here's the other bad thing. My doctor--who is one of the top orthopaedic surgeons in the county--was convinced it was just a torn ligament. I went under planning on walking out of the surgical center. I woke up and couldn't walk for weeks. I was completely unprepared to be laid up for so long and had no idea what to expect.

So know I've sort of made it my mission to prepare people in my same shoes and to be there for them during the long recovery when people say things to you such as "Why are you still on crutches?" and totally abandon you after the first week when in fact you will be down and out and in need of a little support much, MUCH longer.

p.s. please don't get me wrong--I love azucar's cool table. I think it's really cool!

b. said...

Don't get me wrong either....I think she AND her table are adorable! I'm the weird one!
Thank you so much for explaining your injury, for reals, because now I will be more careful!
BTW, speaking of dutch oven cookers, do you know Rick Shumway?

dalene said...

If you're weird, then you're certainly in good company. Which I guess was the whole point (I'm waiting for your 6 weirds, by the way).

And, yeah. Do be careful. I got all this information from a day-long lecture series I attended a couple of years ago at CUMC's new sports rehab place because I wanted to make absolutely certain I never do it again (repeats are not impossible). You know what advice I got? If you want to decrease your chances of tearing your ACL, get a sex change.

Sad, huh?

I do not know Rich Shumway. This was an amatuer event. But I'm going to Google him right now to see if I can find any good recipes!

b. said...

Well, how come you didn't hop right on that sex change bandwagon?? Ewwwww!
Noooo. don't google. If you live by pottymouth julie....the Shumways live right there in that ward on Grandview. Rick is a really good dutch oven cooker and his wife Carolyn was my boss for 18 years.

dalene said...

I know. As awful as it was, if I had to choose between going through it again and being a man, I'd start scheduling all my PT appointments right now. (No offense intended to any of the men out there.)

dalene said...

I can't believe no one elaborated on the girl who tore her ACL on the stripper pole.

b. said...

If I'm gonna tear my ACL-THAT's how I wanna do it....uh, no....that's actually a lie. I was dying to ask about the pole lady.