Saturday, December 30, 2006

Best thing since sliced bread...

and even better than a DVD player for keeping the peace on the road to Grandma's house

I'd like to thank Key Bank for their free iPod promo. And iTunes for making it easier than ever to come up with some great playlists. Something for everyone.

What more could a girl want?

Oh yeah.


Just affordable enough to purchase with a handful of gift cards.

Thanks Santa!


Lyle said...

Someday I'll catch up wiyh the cool ipod crowd or the mp3 crowd period.

Carina said...

I love mine so much. My favorite is downloading NPR shows to listen to while cooking or cleaning the house. I can watch TV shows while waiting at the Doctor's office. A personalized soundtrack for Target or grocery shopping. I even put a couple short home movies for Guille on it. When he's at his wits end on a car ride I turn it on and he loves to watch himself on the screen.

I love my iPod!

b. said...

I don't have an ipod, but I do have a zen.....GREATEST thing EVER!!! I'm with's the best when I'm waiting somewhere. My kids love theirs too! Napster to Go is FABULOUS!!

Rhonda Sloan said...

I love my iPod! The last few hotels I have been to (Chicago, San Antonio and NYC) all had a hookup in my room. So I can take my tunes everywhere. iPod rocks! ;)

Geo said...

I've got iPod envy. How much of my soul do I have to sell to Key Bank to get one?

dalene said...

Sorry Geo. You missed that special offer--which was truly one of the few deals that was too good, but still true. But if you can do with just the songs and not the video (which I was OK with till I just read how much fun azucar is having with hers) the new shuffle clip is only $78. And well worth it, I might add.

wendysue said...

THat is a classic photo. I don't know how my parents survived all of those long road trips to Utah with 5 crazy kids packed in a station wagon. I'm sure a lot of prayer was involved.

wendysue said...

I forgot to mention how fabulous the "shuffle" option is for the ipod. Who doesn't enjoy a little Aerosmith, then a scripture from 2 Ne, then Jack Johnson, then Memory from Cats, then another scripture, followed by Lionel Richie? Where else can you get that line up?

dalene said...

Not to mention a sketch from Jerry Seinfield. I throw in a little Loreena McKennitt as well and I'm good to go!