Monday, December 18, 2006

Take a walk through Bethlehem

But first, let me introduce you to my snowman shrine:It began innocently enough. We were in a drought. I started pleading for snow. Soon people heard about my "shrine" and couldn't help themselves. They brought me more snowmen. I almost had to do an intervention for my mom to get her to stop. Just the other day I got another one--the really tall one-- from a friend. It's not like I can say, "That's really nice, but I'm trying to quit."

In any case, this is one of my two holiday displays over which I give the kids free reign. Sure you can set them up however you like. Touch them. Move them. Do whatever you want...only don't eat them.

Now let's make our way over to the nativity collection. You will see it's a little eclectic. A few pieces came from a friend who happens to travel out of the country a lot. New this year is the set I brought back from Finland. Can you tell which it is?

One of my favorites is the plastic set that my kids have been playing with for ages. Frequently we lose a piece or two, but eventually--usually around August--it will show up in the bathtub or the bunny cage or somewhere.

Note that one year someone forgot the "only don't eat them" rule. I don't even think it was the bunny.

This one is my most favorite. I call it "The Reluctant Joseph." It keeps slipping in its ill-fitted frame. But I like it that way. It kind of reminds me of the ill-fitted halo of the littlest angel. And it seems to suit my littlest angel just fine.

Merry Christmas!


Elizabeth-W said...

My daughter asked Santa for a Nativity set this year. I'm hoping that she'll keep asking so that as an adult she'll have a nice collection for herself and her babies to treasure.

glo said...

What fantastic displays!

BTW - love the "I'm trying to quit" comment. I have a friend who accidentally began collecting Santas. Now that's all anyone gives her. She laughs about it - but every year, she gets several more Santas. There's no stopping it.

The Nativities are precious. I love the plastic one, too. And your picture is adorable - reminds me of the look on pre-teen Joseph's face during our annual ward Christmas pageant.

dalene said...

elizabeth--how cool! Much more everlasting than the latest Bratz doll.

glo--you think the seasonal stuff like Santas and snowmen are bad, it's even worse for things you have up year-around. I have roosters in my kitchen and one of my friends is practically in recovery in order to stop reaching for the latest rooster to buy for me. (Thankfully she gave me some great ones before she decided get clean.)

Geo said...

Love your shrine! I promise never to buy you a snowman. This is how my husband's grandmother ended up with an ENORMOUS frog collection. When we moved her from New Jersey to Utah she odnated it to some museum and they were thrilled. I thought she'd be sad to part with all those frongs, thinking she atually loved them, but she confidentially told me that she'd never intended to hae a collection. somewhere down the line somebody thought she loved frogs, and that's how it started. She was magnetized.

I love looking at other people's nativity sets. I especially appreciat that your Joseph's head is chewed.

Geo said...

Sorry to spill typos all over your floor!

Mimo- JenK said...

Oh fun! I love your shrine to snow. I love snowmen.
and hey, I have one of the same nativities as you! Wish it was the child friendly one... my children have broken off the shepherds leg 3 times now :( Where can one find a child friendly one? The one I tried to buy, the cashier took away from me and told me I couldn't buy it because it had a recall, that made me really sad.

dalene said...

Geo--that's so funny, and that's exactly what happened to me (only I never intended to collect anything--it just sort of happens). Only I am growing rather fond of some of mine.

Mimo--what is it with the shepherd's leg? Mine has been glued together twice.

I don't even remember when or where I got that little plastic one but my friend has a really cute one--I think it's from Fisher-Price.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I keep thinking "once there was a snowman, smowman, snowman. Once there was a snowman SHRINE SHRINE SHRINE!"

Such lovely Christmas displays......Good Job, Compulsive!

Lyle said...

Send the snowman shrine my way. I want some snow. I need some snow. Gimmee gimmee gimme. Check it out. I'm in really bad shape.

dalene said...

You could always move to Denver...

Carrot Jello said...

Wow, that's what you call a "near miss" for Joseph. Must have had someone looking out for him that day. Glad it didn't go to his brain and he's still smiling. Wait, can people with lobotomies smile?

Lyle said...

Which would be worse, Denver or Buffalo?

~j. said...

What about Buffalo? I grew up in that area, my family still lives there, and it's so mild right now. They will not be blessed with a white Christmas this year. I'm grateful for our snow.

Yes, the Fisher-Price Nativity set is very child-friendly. I think you can only order it online, though.

Rhonda Sloan said...

Watch out...soon you might have to get an entire house for that collection! ( A friend of mine had a jewelry show in this place a few weeks ago.