Monday, December 04, 2006

What's in your wallet?

Inspired by fun posts such as Mom Pockets and Saddle bags, I got to thinking about punch cards. Or, as I affectionately call them, "frequent flier cards." How many do we carry? Where are they from. Which are the most used. Whatever do they say about us?

Here's what I dug out of the depths of my purse:

Cafe Rio: Two stamps, dated 10/28
This one was started while I was in Pocatello with the band--and yes, I can't help it. I don't care if it was in Pocatello or that it was the marching band--I just love writing that I am, was or will be "with the band."

Great Harvest Bread Co: One loaf
And this only because they no longer give you free samples without purchase but I feel guilty going in just for one slice of their delicious bread, so I like to pretend I'm going in because I always buy my family expensive whole wheat bread and that the free slice is just an afterthought.

Body Benefits from JCPenney: Two punches
No more details needed there, except to state that it's just not near as glam as Lo's pretty pink Angel card from Victoria's Secret (or would that belong to Guy?)

Zupas: Two stamps
Thanks Lo, for having me pick up your lunch while you shopped for shoes on our way up to Festival of Trees.

American Quilting: 1 $5 stamp, 1 $10 stamp and 4 $1 stamps
A good indication that since I've started working I'm too busy to quilt anymore. Except for Saturday with, well, Lorien!

American Quilting: All full. I won't reveal the total amount spent to fill it on the grounds it may incriminate me.
This one is obviously leftover from my previous life before I had paid employment but no time to shop.

Cafe Rio: Eight stamps
Hmmmmmm. Eight plus two equals 11--I'm almost there! Can you say FREE MEAL!? But what I really wish is that El Azteca had a punch card.

Chevron Frequent Fill-Up: Two cards. Two punches.
Of course they suspended this program several years ago. Maybe one of these days I should clean out my purse.

Elaine's Quilt Block, which I love, but find to be too far away for a quick dash to the quilt store. The Stitching Corner, which I do not love anymore since the most-usually-sweet little old ladies who used to work there all retired and they got a guy running the place. Quilt's Etc., which is OK if I am going up to Salt Lake anyway and am looking for a particular fabric no one else has, but is also so jam backed with a bazillion different fabrics that I cannot shop there because I'm too distracted by too many choices. The Quilter's Cottage, which I also enjoy. If I am in the neighborhood.

The Zupas card I couldn't find when I went to lunch there the other day with Julie and Lorien: Also two punches.
Their tomato basil soup is divine.

For Every Body: Three $5 stamps.
It's only that empty because I've missed their last two semi-annual clearance sales. I save a lot of money by missing good sales.

Fro Yo: Two stamps.
Of course I didn't really think it was any good the first time, so I don't intend to ever go there again. But I still carry their punch card. Go figure.

Shopko Pharmacy, which is my usual pharmacy. Smith's Pharmacy, which I've been to only once.
These punch cards are like gold to me ever since my insurance tacked on a $50 pharmacy deductible per person--which ends up to be $300 for my family. Ouch!

The Good Earth: An undisclosed amount. (Also on the grounds it may incriminate me. Actually, more on the grounds it may incriminate them--who knew things that are good for you could be so pricey?)
I've got a smattering of these. Of course I can never find them when I need them.

Subway. I have no idea how many "punches" there are because it works like a credit card.
Not my favorite sandwich joint, but the only one I can get to, get in, get out, and get back to work from in my alloted 15-minute break time. My good friend/co-worker and I take turns every now and then purchasing a foot-long, which we split. Turkey on cheese bread. Provolone. Mayo, lettuce, tomatoes and olives only.

We have to go separately so people don't talk. (Because he is a guy and I'm not.) Sometimes it's complicated having a good friend of the opposite sex.

Places which I wish would offer me a punch card (besides El Azteca): Bath & Body Works, Target, Jamba Juice, TJ Maxx, any gas station, The Porch and, of course, Eliane's French Bakery.

So now I'm wondering,

What's in your wallet?


Th. said...


I've done a pretty good job of getting rid of those, actually. I have a barcode sticker from ACE Harrdware, $24.10 left on my BART card and an indeterminate number of punches left on my temple recommend.

LuckyRedHen said...

Just used my FREE meal at Cafe Rio on Saturday with CJane --- but I noticed they didn't scream and yell when I did it... it was my first so I'm a little disappointed - boo hoo.

Stitching Corner - one full and another with a spattering of punches but they've changed to a credit card type too. I agree about the old ladies that don't work there anymore. The guy is the owner and the semi-cranky girl is his daughter. She probably has a good reason to be cranky but I don't like it as a customer.

Macy's Pharmacy --- gets me $10 off on the 11th prescription... that's $1 per item and I wonder is it REALLY worth hanging onto and remembering to use it? We don't go through that many drugs.

Precious Pet Paradise Credit Back card... we take the dog almost twice a month so it's worth it!

ACE hardware thingy on my keychain too. Not exactly sure what I get out of it because it hasn't paid off yet but I'm sure it's worth something, as minescule as it might be. I don't really buy that much stuff there but the free popcorn keeps me coming back with kid(s) in tow for a few screws, a piece of baseboard (frame) or glue every now and then.

LuckyRedHen said...

Just used my FREE meal at Cafe Rio on Saturday with CJane --- but I noticed they didn't scream and yell when I did it... it was my first so I'm a little disappointed - boo hoo.

Stitching Corner - one full and another with a spattering of punches but they've changed to a credit card type too. I agree about the old ladies that don't work there anymore. The guy is the owner and the semi-cranky girl is his daughter. She probably has a good reason to be cranky but I don't like it as a customer.

Macy's Pharmacy --- gets me $10 off on the 11th prescription... that's $1 per item and I wonder is it REALLY worth hanging onto and remembering to use it? We don't go through that many drugs.

Precious Pet Paradise Credit Back card... we take the dog almost twice a month so it's worth it!

ACE hardware thingy on my keychain too. Not exactly sure what I get out of it because it hasn't paid off yet but I'm sure it's worth something, as minescule as it might be. I don't really buy that much stuff there but the free popcorn keeps me coming back with kid(s) in tow for a few screws, a piece of baseboard (frame) or glue every now and then.

C. Jane Kendrick said...

Not enough ca$h for sure.

dalene said...

Lucky, I'm going to take you with me when I use mine and say, "Hey! This is my friend Lucky. At Carrabba's they know her by her first name. And you didn't shout when she got her free meal here. Do-overs!"

I have a Gold's Gym thingey on my keys. It's never ever been used. Can't you just tell?

Carina said...

I cleared out a whole bunch 6 months ago and put them in my entertainment center. I figured that IF I needed them, I would remember and pull them out. Turns out, I've never missed them at all.

Still in the wallet:
Borders Rewards (I have a $15 balance now that I can use!)

Shepherd's Cake & Candy punch for $25 off my next purchase, about 2/3 done.

Kneader's Bakery Frequent Buyer. I've got a whole lot of e-points on that one. Enough for a few free sandwiches and loaves.

Cafe Rio - 4 stamps
Bajio - 1 stamp (don't like the place)
FroYo- 1 stamp...I think I forgot I had this one.

El Azteca NEEDS a punch card.

LuckyRedHen said...

LOL, me TOO (Gold's Gym thingy). Sad waste of hundreds of dollars.

b. said...

Gold's Gym thingy too, along with the Albertsons and Smiths
Sam's Club card that ticks me off when they make me pull it out as I walk can't buy anything there without it so why you gotta show it when you walk in?
Old receipts.
A bali bra punch card from JC Penn-yay.
In the purse:
Vanilla Pecan Granola from Lehi Mills.
Superman DVD that I forgot to take back.
My kids' Dear Santa letters
....and a bajillion pens.

sue-donym said...

Bajio - 1 punch left (I get a free lunch at least once a month!)
Heavenly Touch Massage - 1 massage left out of 5 :( (christmas hint anyone?)
Good Earth - (really not worth the measly $3 you get eventually)
Costa Vida
Hogi Yogi
Credits from Dillards, Staples, Thanksgiving Point, Mervyn's

A list of favorite restaurants so we don't spend all night deciding where to go to dinner on date night

A picture of my husband from when we were dating - 16+ years ago

New school pic of the princess (can they TRY and get the picture centered next time.

Wow, that was too much information. But thanks Compulsive. It gave me a chance to clean out my wallet.

JandB said...

i don't dare look and i don't plan on cleaning my purse out for at least another 24 days...i get married in 25 days. i know there are a millioin receipts and random things that i don't use. hmm....i don't know why i keep the receipts, i never look at them again. should i be?

Rhonda Sloan said...

I don't have any "punch" cards, but I have so many frequent shopper/diner/flyer/visitor/etc. cards that I bought a little credit card holder for them. They were overwhelming my wallet.

Lyle said...

receits and a stack of business cards [mostly from people I don't know or haven't seen for a long time. pictures of the kids from two years ago. plastic cards and a drivers license.

Sarah said...

Woah - I can't believe how many punch cards you have! I only have two - one from a local Bakery outlet and the other from a children's thrift store. Nothing fancy like you!

Ms. Julie said...

I have my cards divided into seperate places in my wallet, depending on what category they are: frequent shopper, membership cards (like library or Blockbuster), business cards of people I know but who aren't in my cell phone, store credit cards that don't fit into my credit card slots. *sigh* I'm weird, I know. But! Since we're sharing our frequent shopper cards:

Subway (I think I have enough points for one cookie)
hogi yogi (five stamps)
hogi yogi (two stamps)
Dance Works (after buying 11 pairs of pointe shoes, you get a free pair)
Build A Bear Workshop (4 stamps)
Zupa's (four stamps)
Cafe Rio (5 stamps)
Cafe Rio (1 stamp - I think someone gave me this one because they didn't want it)

If you think that's bad, it's a good thing you never asked for this list BEFORE I cleaned and organized my purse.

~j. said...

I have two wallets and far too many things in there. It would have to be its own post.

Did you say that eight plus two equals eleven?

dalene said...

Oops! I guess I'm counting my chickens before they hatch.

Or something...

Lorien said...

I still owe you for the lunch you bought for me...less the value of one punch!

Justine said...

Have you ever been to the Corn wagon quilting store in Springville? Sadly, they get a lot of my money. It's just so darn addicting!

(and, I agree about the nice old ladies leaving Stiching corner.)

I more punch to free Cafe Rio!

Lesleigh said...

I have too many to even name!! I actually threw away a few last week that were for business that aren't even open anymore!!

Just to let you know...I have an El Azteca card. They do have them, just ask. I actually have 2...I thought I'd lost my first one but it was just in my car!