Thursday, February 22, 2007

Because my faithful readers get whatever they ask of me . . .

Have you met my friend Toni? I think she found me via Luckyzmom. In any case, she tagged me for a meme and since it's regarding the subject of homemaking skills (we all know how seriously I take those homemaking skills), I thought I'd play.

ABCs of Homemaking Meme

Aprons- Y/N? Several. One my mother made me. One made by Melody. My latest favorite is the red hot chili pepper one Lynda gave me for my birthday.

Baking- Ask Lorien about my sour cream lemon pie.

Clothesline- Y/N? I've been known to do that to my kids now and then.

Donuts- Only when there is a good layer of snow over at the church parking lot.

Everyday- One homemaking thing you do everyday? Get out of bed.

Freezer- Do you have a separate deep freezer? - You bet. My husband likes to stock it with deer and elk meat. I like to stock it with berries for pies.

Garbage Disposal- Y/N? Yes. He's 15. He'll eat just about anything except for tomato chunks in spaghetti.

Handbook- Y/N? For what? The girlfriend's guide to chasing down cobwebs? I think not. All I need to guide me is my favorite motto:

Ironing- My husband was forewarned. I don't iron and I don't dust.

Junk Drawer- You bet. But since I don't consider anything in my kitchen to be junk, it's the top drawer by the linen closet.

Kitchen- Design and decorating? Roosters. I started with them before the last two times they were in and out of style. And I am loyal so they're here to stay. I did have to do an intervention for one of my friend's who couldn't stop buying me roosters for my kitchen, however. The coop's full!

Love- What is your favorite part of homemaking? I love to make comfort food for people who are sick, afflicted or in mourning. That is something I take very seriously.

Mop- Y/N? Yes. And I am sending out an SOS for suggestions for a new one. I have loathed every mop I have ever owned. Why is it so hard to design an effective and efficient mop?

Nylons- Wash by hand or in the washer? I refuse to call them nylons. They are hose to me, but I find them too confining and they don't go so well with Birkenstocks. If you don't wear them, you won't have to wash them.

Oven- Do you use the window or open it to check? Open to check. I need to see, touch and smell to know if something is done.

Pizza- What do you put on yours? I'm a western girl. Hawaiian all the way.

Quiet- What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? I am the queen of the ten-minute power nap. If I can find 10 minutes in the day.

Recipe card box- Y/N? Yes. And numerous cookbooks. And a binder full of printed recipes.

Style of house - Split entry mid-century messy.

Tablecloths and napkins- Y/N? At my house we're lucky if we're ever home at the same time to eat at the table. I know, I know, it's the pillar of American society. I'm working on it already!

Under the kitchen sink - One of two things I pride myself on. I put vinyl tile on the bottom and try to keep it orderly. So it's not something I'm ashamed about. (In case you are wondering about the other. I am extremely proud that even though I have three sons my bathrooms do NOT smell like pee. That is really something when you consider that all the bathrooms in my house are carpeted.)

Vacuum- How many times a week? Isn't that why I had kids? I have to admit, however, that although I am often willing to let the downstairs go, I have been known to vacuum the upstairs all over again after one of my kids (or the husband) when no one is looking. I need to get the edges.

Wash- How many loads do you do a week? Way too many. But the older boys do their own. I'm about ready to train the daughter.

X's- Do you keep a list of things to do and cross them off? I make my list at the end of the day of what I did that day, then I cross it all off. It's so wonderful for my self-esteem.

Yard- Who does what? I used to love to work in the yard. I even completed the master gardener program. But now that I can't kneel on either of my knees I have kind of let things go. I will putter now and then.

ZZZ's- What is your last homemaking task for the day? Flylady drop-out that I am, it's certainly not cleaning the kitchen sink. I'm doing well if I get any remaining food the kids have left out put away and the lights turned out before I fall asleep.

I happen to know that it is physically possible to fall asleep while sweeping the floor.


JandB said...

you need to get with my MIL, shes new in the ward, because she loves decorating with roosters too.

i'm so with you on the not wearing nylons (hose). it is way too constricting. but, if i do wear them, i wash them in the washing machine and then lay them out to dry.

Special K ~Toni said...

I'm so glad you did this! I can always count on you for a good laugh! :)

"Garbage Disposal- Y/N? Yes. He's 15. He'll eat just about anything except for tomato chunks in spaghetti."

I have a 13 year old model, besides the electric one that is!

Special K ~Toni said...

OM GAWD! I just found the winner listed on the side! Sorry! I am having a 'stupid' day!

Geo said...

So, does a chronic eye twitch count as sick, afflicted, or in mourning? What if I told you I've had it every day for six weeks? And my hair's falling out? And my cows all died? And I lost the bard contest? Am I afflicted enough yet?

QueenScarlett said...

You are a kindred spirit... I love the ...everyday homemaking...getting out of bed - AMEN! ;-)
Ditto on the ironing, hose and pizza. ;-)

Love the list...and getting to know you more. You're awesome.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I'm not sure that I could ever move to Utah if that entails having to wear sausage casing, I mean, "hose." You and I are homemaking soulmates, compulsive, We should join together and write our own cleaning book for the less cleaning motivated. We'd call it, "How To Avoid Cleaning And Still Avoid The Health Department Too."

I have to admit, that life is a little easier since my girls are older. We have an agreement that I cook, and they'll scrub down the kitchen afterwards. I get the winning end of that deal on tuna mac casserole and cereal nights!

sue-donym said...

LOVED the donut comment. LOL

Lianne said...

I too am looking for the perfect mop. I don't have a lot of "mopping" floor space, but I want something good.

Loved this post... will consider "doing it"

Anonymous said...

Oh, May I borrow your "X" list philosophy? I love that. It would certainly take care of allot of short comings along the way. No more procrastination. I should have thought of this years ago. Thanks CW.

Lyle said...

Clever quips from clever lips.

pflower10 said...

I am most definately am an apron person myself! In factone of my most fav one's is the black one you gave me after Katie's wedding. I wear it all the time. Another is the one my hubby had made for me that say P-flower on it.

I loved learning more about you.

Sarah said...

Thank you, thank you thank you for teaching your boys to do their own laundry! My friend is afraid to give her kids any work to do around the house for fear that they won't have a happy childhood and as a consequence, she is having a very unhappy motherhood. It's really sad to see especially since I know her kids would get used to the idea in a couple of days.

pflower10 said...


so sorry

Carina said...

Sarah, that is INSANE. They'll be the kids that go off to college and fall apart because they don't know how to do anything. I consider my laziness to be a form of character building for my kids. They'll have to do things because it's good for them (and I don't want to.)

Split entry mid-century messy--HA!

dalene said...

geo--if I knew how to cook anything that wouldn't be bad for you it would've already been delivered to you in your favorite 2-quart jar. I'll keep working on that, though.

queen--thank you!

lianne--have at it. This was one of my favorites.

skewed--you're welcome and welcome back!

sarah--I can't take all the credit. It's a few little lines in the Duty to God award requirements that have made my life much easier. If only they were required to cook for a month too. But I'm getting there.

azucar--that one was just for you!

~j. said...

You're so clever. I liked that. I'm so glad you love to cook comfort food -- You're very talented at that. :)

ps - thank YOU for holding Bubby the other day.

Geo said...

My jar? Oh, rock soup is sufficent. And that doesn't blow my health diet either, unless of course you season it with sugar ants (potato bugs are okay).

Really, just a friendship feast is sufficient. You don't h ave to feed me too.

And you know, I'm starting to like my twitch. It makes me seem kind of flirty.

P.S. And I never had any cows. See? I'm a scam.

Geo said...

P.P.S. I really like your homemaker's alphabet.

Elizabeth-W said...

Love this list, and may have to steal it, too. My favorite one was the handbook one. My guess is that if I don't have a clue which 'handbook' it is talking about, it's pretty clear I don't follow the guidelines.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Just found your blog and am loving it. A gal with a motto like yours is someone I wouldn't mind getting to know.


dalene said...

Consider yourself tagged. Along with anyone else who wants to play.

Girl con Queso said...

Wow! That is quite a meme. I'm impressed.

b. said...

I'm sure we are sisters in wayyy more than just the relief society sort of way. I have 3, yes 3 extra freezers..1 for the elk, 1 for the deer, and 1 for me. I think I could relate on just about every other letter of your alphabet too! I like you, alot (picture dumb and dumber)

Anonymous said...

A- (see "mother")
B- (see "mother")
C- (see "mother")
D- (see "mother")

...oh, what's the point?

Lia said...


Regarding the mop, have you heard of Scooba?

Wonderful, wonderful invention.