Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Helsinki Temple. . .

The Helsinki Temple is truly the most beautiful temple I've ever seen. We got a special tour and our guide told us that we could take our time and to touch whatever we wanted. I couldn't keep my hands off the wood and the upholstery. I would've touched the chandelier but I couldn't reach it. It did look just like icicles hanging down from the ceiling. Here is a link to see some shots of the interior of the Helsinki Temple. The most wonderful thing was to see the Finnish people from all walks of life flock to the open house. One Sunday during the open house someone left the gate unlocked and there was an SOS call out to all the missionaries that afternoon to come because the grounds were full of people who couldn't stay away. I loved to watch the faces of those who came to see and wonder what they felt there. It was also quite moving to hear the Finnish saints express how excited they were to invite their friends to attend the open house. Being in Helsinki during the open house was simply a moving and beautiful experience.


LuckyRedHen said...

The steeple is so unique! What a beautiful building and setting - lucky that you could be there.

JandB said...

that must have been such a neat experience! i'm jealous that you got to go to Finland and go to the open house. i also like that you took pictures of the details of the temple. it makes me feel like i was there looking at it too, but i'm sure in real life it is much more amazing.

Lyle said...

In my best Napoleon Voice...Lucky

Millie said...

I love the footprints picture! What a sweet idea!

b. said...

It makes me proud to belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Always such incredible workmanship on our temples. You are really lucky!!

dalene said...

One of the things I love is that we let the temples reflect the natural beauties that surround their respective environments and reflect the characteristics of the land and the people. The wood in this temple is exquisite. The design themes use repeated images of the trees and the ice and snow. This is the Lord's house, but it is very evident that it the Lord's house in Finland.

The first thing I noticed was the uniqueness of the steeple. Then, as I saw more of Helsinki, I realized that it is unique to our temples, but not unique to Finland. The design of that beautiful steeple was one more example of how this temple belongs in Finland.

QueenScarlett said...

Gorgeous... thanks for taking us with you.