Saturday, August 25, 2007

Meme is the word...

I interrupt this program to bring you urgent breaking news of the very best kind.
Then you may return to this regularly scheduled programming. (My apologies. I realize this makes two memes in a row and indicates a complete lack of original thought. But I couldn’t resist the complete randomness of this one, so I gave it a go:)
My roommate and I once…used to frequent Punk Night at The Palace. (Hey, I could Rebel Yell with the best of them.)
Never in my life have I…been to the opera, a Justin Timberlake concert or a clam bake. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything, do you?
High school was…so long ago! But so much fun. I had friends in every crowd, which made it easy to have a good time. I also have lots of stories. I probably shouldn’t mention any names when I mention one of our teachers who tried to hit on a couple of us (not at the same time). Ewww!
When I’m nervous…I feel like I’m going to throw up. I also forget people’s names just a tad more than I usually do when I’m not nervous. I’m may even blush.
My hair…is getting darker every year. People used to tell my sister and me apart by whose hair was the darkest–hers. For some unexplicable reason after I had a serious bout with double pneumonia my hair became significantly darker. I didn’t even realize it until I was explaining that trick to a niece at a family reunion. I said “My hair is lighter than J~’s.” My siblings said in unision, “Not anymore!” I had no idea. Later I was talking to my friend who was also my stylist and she had noticed the same thing. It was so drastic she thought I’d been “stepping out” on her. Wierd, huh?
When I was 5… I remember going to a Presbyterian kindergarten. Or some other demonination with which I was unfamiliar. I loved school, but I never did understand why they didn’t have kindergarten at the public elementary.
When I turn my head left… I can see right out the big picture window that looks out on our street. I notice the spot where we had a rogue squash plant growing out of the sidewalk until some mean neighbor kids deliberately ganged up and ran it down with bikes and mo-peds while we were out of town a couple of weeks ago. (But I’m not bitter.)
I should be…doing the dishes. I already scrubbed the toilets and my shower and bathroom sink. But I took a break and found this meme over at e-dub’s (can’t you just see her fleeing from campus security on the back of her roommate’s Vespa?) and couldn’t stop myself.
By this time next year… I will be trying to keep even more busy than I already am so as not to have my mother’s heartstrings pulled so hard by the empty chair at the dining room table. (I might also secretly be enjoying the fact that the auto insurance and grocery bill will have shrunk considerably.)
You know I like you if…you breathe. It’s a fault. With the exception of about two people I have ever met, I like just about everyone. Now loving is a different story. I’m a little bit more discriminating with my love. I do love all my family and most all my co-workers and of course all my blogger friends.
My ideal breakfast is…sliced boiled eggs and gravy over toast. My mom used to make it for me on my birthday sometimes. I make it for my two youngest who also love it. (The two oldest prefer crêpes, but that’s so much more work.)
If you visit my home town… please take me with you. I haven’t been there in ages. But do let’s go in time for this.
My favorite blonde is… my babies. Who were all blond until about ten or so. Which means I’ve only got about 1 1/2 left. (But I do like a good blonde brownie.)
My favorite brunette is…? I don’t like to play favorites.
The animal I would like to see flying besides birds…pigs. Because I understand once that happens there will be a lot of other impossible things happening too. I wouldn’t want to miss that!
I shouldn’t have been…so uptight at certain periods in my life when I was prone to be uptight.
Last night I… had a great time. We went to the ladybug picnic a lovely outdoor social at which we dined on freshly picked corn on the cob and tomatoes, delicious barbequed chicken, and heavenly homemade ice cream. Later I sat on the top of the bleachers next to the PHS drumline and watched them beat their hearts out on those big huge drums as the football team squeaked by Lehi (Here’s a bit of trivia: I helped this sports reporter get hired when he was just getting started and I was working at a certain now-defunct local paper. And the injured QB lives right around the corner from us). It was loud. But the grins on their faces rivaled that of the Kool-Aid Man and being there made me want to be a kid again (Not really, it just made me want to beat really loud on the big bass drum).
I’ve been told I look like…I need a good vacation.
If I could have any car, it would be… a brand new Toyota Sienna. Call me crazy, but I love my ‘04 and I would drive a Sienna even if I didn’t have to drive a minivan. Great gas mileage for something so roomy and it drives like a car, not a truck. Ask me how much I love having sliding doors on both sides. And oh the cargo room! As well as the simple fact there are enough drink holders for the entire population of Rhode Island! I love it!
As usual, if you’ve got game, consider yourself tagged. (If you play let me know and I’ll tag on a link to your post at the end of this one.)

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