Saturday, August 19, 2006

Cool Beans

News from the world of Chocolate:

...or (to quote Lyle)...
"Where's an Oompa Loompa when you need one?"

Apparently death by chocolate is overrated.

But if you prefer not to drown in it, you could, at the very least, decide to worship it.

And if find yourself incredulous over the above, just feast your eyes on this!

Now even Britney's trying to jump on the chocolate-coated bandwagon. (Because she is having withdrawals over her sudden--but far too fleeting--decrease of exposure in the tabloid news.)

Of course if you're really innovative, you can now Get More with your chocolate. You can even use it to phone a friend. Can you hear me now?

And finally, a word of warning. Be extremely cautious if you happen upon any abandoned dark chocolate. Especially near airports in the Netherlands. An apparent mecca for abandoned dark chocolate. (Shouldn't the abandonment of dark chocolate be a criminal offense?)

I've got a layover in Amsterdam in a few weeks. Shall I keep a lookout?

Chocolate quote of the day: "And who doesn't want a glass of wine and chunk of chocolate?"


Elizabeth-W said...

My favorite line was from the last story, "Imagine if a child ate it." I did imagine my kids tweaking on shrooms and was highly entertained.
So, somehow I have missed the purpose of your trip (I'm pretty sure it's not to visit all the head shops.) I'm very excited for you!

Millie said...

I don't do dark chocolate. So much of it has probably been abandoned by me.

That death by chocolate thing was scary!

QueenScarlett said...

More proof that Britney's lifestyle has no style... she chooses Hershey's chocolate. One word about that - WAX.

LOVE dark chocolate...and Lindt... YUM.

dalene said...

My thoughts exactly. Britney has no taste. And neither does Hershey's.

I'm not a dark chocolate fan either, but I can only dream of 72% cocoa content.

I am actually going to Helsinki, via Amsterdam. It's the trip of a lifetime. Actually, it's rather clever of me. My significant other served a mission in Finland, so when they started to build a temple in Helsinki I hatched a plan to take him to the open house.

We leave in September.

And the best part is I'm fairly certain that now he will feel obligated to take me to France (where I served) someday whenever they get around to building a temple over there.

Turnabout is most definitely fair play.

Lyle said...

Even as we speak, a friend of mine has some chocholate waiting for me which she brought back from England this summer. Yum. Yum.

btw where's an umpa-lumpa when you need one, when someone falls into a pool of chocolate?

Sarah said...

This post is hilarious! I live close to that Orange County factory and might just have to pop over after church tomorrow to get a real spiritual boost. And then I'll eat her. Hmmmm... Virgin Mary...