Monday, January 22, 2007

the news from Rome isn't quite as good . . .

In what's clearly going to be the most overused phrase of the decade, it appears we have a number of historic bids for the presidency. First Mormon president aside, we could have our first woman president . . .

. . . or our first African American president.

At this point I might be more interested in our first woman African American president.

So that's not going to happen in '08.

What I truly long for is the day when one's gender or race or religion is completely a nonissue.

. . . around the water cooler

Someone call the wahmbulence! I don’t mean to be unsympathetic, but to hear a guy whine about being objectified is a little over the top.

Seven must be this guy's lucky number.
Killer line: The window was double-paned, and had a safety bar, he said, adding that hotel officials will investigate and "will take whatever steps we have to do to ensure safety." (Because hotel management should’ve taken better precautions against inebriated men running the full length of the hall and into the window.)

I’ll have a bottle of your best Cold Duck.

Holiday leftovers:

The Nightmare before Christmas.

Must be Santa!

Bite me!

More holiday fun.

Let's conclude the holiday wrap-up with something sweet.

Contributions welcome:

Thanks Lianne, for the heads up on this moving story. It was just too good to pass up!

In other news:

I've been robbed! (Obviously of my senses.)

One more reason I love my iPod. (An oldie but goodie.) Because I don't know about you, but I often find myself alone in the woods digging for truffles.

Saved by the bra?

. . . and in completely unrelated news (so OK, it may possibly be related to me!)

Here is the latest update on this previous story.

Which you may or may not have read.

But about which at least one of you inquired.


Carrot Jello said...

Oh man, I knew I should have gotten an IPOD for Christmas instead of a darn carpet cleaner. Carpet cleaners don't save lives. IPODS do.

pflower10 said...

I loooooove the hyper-link, loooooove it. What a fun time going to all the other stories. What fun!

dalene said...

CJ: You just made my comment hall of fame with this juicy gem:

"Carpet cleaners don't save lives. IPODS do."

Lyle said...

what a hodge-podge of stories. still debating on which is my favorite for this round.

ps. taking pictures with a telescope is just plain cool.

b. said...

Leo is right about one thing....he isn't cute.

I know the generous boys from
SF's mom....she's quite amazing.

Matches are a girl's best friend.

I love bras

And the telescope! I was more impressed with his testimony though. What a great kid, with a great mom!

Unknown said...

I know! Right?! It's like go cry yourself to sleep on your bags of money, Leo!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I think that race, religion, color, and species should be disregarded for the Presidential campaign. For instance, I'm literally stumping for the headless stump that is Mike The Headless Chicken. I'm also raising money by selling chicken pot pies. Interested?

Geo said...

This post is the cutest piece of meat I've seen in a long time.

Suzie Petunia said...

I was just checking out your sons' blogs - they seem like very nice young men. Good job, mom!

Rhonda Sloan said...

Poor Leo! If only he was as cute as he thinks he is.

Sister Pottymouth said...

Fun stories. And awesome moon pictures! I'm glad to hear that he loves the telescope.

Unknown said...

Woot! Thanks Elastic for supporting the hometown prince of poultry! Woot! Woot!