Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Because it's the middle of the week and original thought escapes me...

My Life. My Card.

My name... never mind, most people pronounce it incorrectly anyway.

Childhood ambition... to be a detective

Fondest memory... probably never really happened

Soundtrack... "Sweet Home Alabama"

Retreat... Never. I'm a fighter not a runner

Wildest dream... insomniacs don't dream

Proudest moment... well, it wasn't when my 9-year-old stole a car and hopped a plane and led police on a high-speed chase

Biggest challenge... juggling

Alarm clock... I don't own one, but my husband's and at least two of my kids' go through snooze at least three times before they get shut off

Perfect day... would have to involve lunch at Sundance

First job... I was a hoer at the tender age of 12

Indulgence... homemade ice cream

Last purchase... You seriously have got to smell my new lotion

Favorite movie... "So I Married An Axe Murderer"

Inspiration... simple things

My life... is not remotely as interesting as Kate Winslet's, but thanks for reading.

My card... A.) is so well-worn you can no longer read the signature, B.) gets paid off every month, C.) all of the above

So I sort of picked this up where someone else left off, but I tag Geo because she loves memes; b. because I laughed so hard at her weirds; Lyle because they have snow days in Texas; and Sister Pottymouth, in hopes she was just kidding when she said that about maybe going on haitus, too. I mean, we can't all go on haitus now, can we? And anyone else who, like me, has always wanted to play.


~j. said...

I've never lunched at Sundance.

What kind of homemade ice cream do you fancy?

sue-donym said...

I don't know if I would have mentioned the "hoer" part.

Oh wait, you meant farmer hoe, right?

This spring, all of us, Sundance lunch and lift ride. Georgeous!

dalene said...

Butter pecan. Lemon. Lemon/Lime. Loganberry. Strawberry. Peach. And sometimes just a simple real vanilla. I will share my recipes if anyone wants them.

This is how fine lunch is at Sundance: I have always loathed tartar sauce. EWWWWWWW! But one year Melody took me to Sundance for my birthday. I ordered their heavenly halibut and on a whim I decided to just taste the tartar sauce. It was so good I practically licked the bowl clean. Seriously.

It's actually pretty reasonable for fine dining, too. I went in the middle of winter and the view was breathtaking. So I'm with Sue--let's go!

Sue--funny. But that is what we were called. And we were darn good at what we did. I was even crew boss...

dalene said...

My second job was at a pizza parlor where they called their barmaids "wenches." (I have stories about that job.)

I have a checkered past. What can I say?

Lyle said...

I'd smell your new lotion if they made scratch-n-sniff monitors.

ps. tag acknowledged and warming up in the bullpen.

Geo said...

Hmm. Do I actually love memes, or is my immune system just shot? I recently resisted "100 Things About Me" (though I got about 25 items into it before turning sheepish). But this time? Okay, okay, gimme the virus. For you, I'll meme.

You're just trying to get me to post, aren't you?

Sundance + lift ride sounds divine. Rob and I did the ride under the Harvest Moon last year, and had such a great time.

wendysue said...

My favorite quote from that movie (one of many). .
"What? She smelled like beef vegetable soup."

b. said...

I'm on it......just as soon as I get more than a couple of hours off work! If only I didn't have to sleep....

Carina said...

I LOVE lunch at Sundance. I LOVE it even more when the company is paying for it.

Yours smells nice, but I still like mine.

dalene said...

geo--am I that transparent?

b.--I actually was thinking about the fact that with your schedule it might be a challenge. But I did so love your weirds...I can be patient. Just don't lose any sleep over it.

azucar--Yeah, most of my favorite restaurants are places that I only frequent when someone else is picking up the tab. And if only I could breathe in ENERGY. I have a thing for ginger, so I will definitely check out your lotion on my next visit to my favorite store. But I swear they put addictivve substances in this midnight pomegranate. It's delicious!

Sister Pottymouth said...

You tasted the lotion? Ew. (just kidding)

I'll play, but I need a few days to come up with anything as clever as yours. I love your new picture, by the way. Definitely "wench"-y. ;-)

Your hoer job made me snort out loud. As did your position as crew boss. Being a hoer truily is the oldest profession on earth. After all, Adam had to grow a garden to feed his family, right? And I'm sure "by the sweat of thy brow" must have included weeding.

Lyle said...

Julie- tongue in cheeky...and one for Melody's garden no doubt.

sue-donym said...

I used "hoer" for scrabble last night and got a triple word score. sweet.

dalene said...

Yeah, nothing says wench like fluffy sleeves and a bit of bosom...

Which were also requirements for that second job I mentioned above. I almost didn't get hired there because I did not have enough bosom. I'm really going to have to write about that someday. After the other major players are all dead, that is.

dalene said...

And yes, the lotion is practically edible. It makes me want to eat something that would taste as good as it smells.

I wore some yesterday at work and while no one tried to eat me, several of the girls wanted to go out directly to buy some and several of the guys wanted to buy some for their wives. I'm not kidding.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I'm not from Utah. Does professional hoer refer to your dancing prowess while wearing a burlap sack dress and keeping a tuft of straw between your teeth as you seductively square danced with stinky one-eyed Bubba Joe on a sultry Friday night down at the community barn for a giant HOE-DOWN?

Not that I've given it any thought or anything. Just curious.

Elizabeth-W said...

Every time I buy a lotion from them that I think is absolutely divine, I use it and break out in a rash. Such a bummer. I love homemade ice cream, too. I have a Ben and Jerry's cookbook, and it gets regular use during the summer months.

Sarah said...

"insomniacs don't dream"

I'm strangely depressed by this line. I guess I should just go off and eat some homemade ice cream to pick my spirits up!

dalene said...

wendy sue: Alright, give your mother a kiss, or I'll kick your teeth in.

ewl: I'm not from Utah. And I've never worked as a hoer here either. As a child, however, I was exposed to numerous episodes of "Hee Haw."

Anyone but me find Ben & Jerry's cookbook to be a little oxymoronic?