Saturday, July 28, 2007

Moaning Myrtle's Moaning Meme

So not really. But Ive been a bit worried that poor Moaning Myrtle might feel a bit a badly for being left out of all the excitement in Book 7, so I decided to send a little nod her way.
In any case Ive been tagged by Anne Bradshaw over at Not Entirely British. Ive only just met Anne, but I can tell you she is a writer, is related to one of my favorite musiciansPhil Collins (yes, I am old)and is starting a feature on her blog called Water Wisdom. As a better appreciation of and more conservation of one of our most precious resources is something Im a bit passionate about, I wanted to give that a nod as well.
And now back to the Moaning Meme:
5 people who will be annoyed I tagged them:
None. Because I wimp out when it comes to tagging. In a real life game of tag I would thoroughly enjoy my turn being it then I would just holler out Whoever wants to be it youre it!
4 things that should go into room 101 and be removed from the face of the earth:
1. Meanness
2. People who dont stop for pedestrians (those in a cross walk, that is, if youre crossing a busy street in the middle of the road you just made runner up in this list)
3. Anchovies
4. Bad published writing and trolls. (Yes, I cheated. But since I already broke the rules for number five)
3 things people do that make you want to shake them violently: (boy this really is a moaning memeI like it! But I am more inclined to hug people violently than shake people violently. Just a heads up on that.)
1. Did I mention being mean?
2. Lying to me
3. Demanding my opinion about something without giving me enough of the necessary facts for me to formulate a reasonably informed opinion.
2 things you find yourself moaning about:
1. When it stays too hot at night.
2. When we dont get enough rain or snow. You will never hear me moan about having to shovel feet and feet of snow.
1 thing the above answers tell you about yourself:
It could be worse. And (cheating againwho knew I was such a cheater girl?) if my ship ever comes in, I really need to look into pruchasing a small cottage on the coast of Oregon.

As always, if you want to play, consider yourself tagged.

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