Saturday, September 02, 2006

I meant what I said, and I said what I meant!

You may be somewhat familiar with my now 11-year-old daughter, who has been going on 15 ever since she was five.

Her favorite response to me--no matter what I ask of her--is this: "One sec."

You may imagine this grows tiresome as seconds roll into minutes and minutes roll into...well, you know.

Which is what prompted the following exchange that took place recently in a somewhat public place:

Me: "L~ come here NOW, please."

~L: "One sec!"

Me: loudly and emphatically "NO MORE SECS!"

You coulda heard a pin drop.


Bek said...


This is priceless.........

Elizabeth-W said...

At my house phrases such as "I have absolutely no idea (where your shoes are, when daddy will be home, where your sandals are, etc etc etc)", "in just one minute, please", and "you are driving me insane" are used back at me at the most unexpected times.
Do you ever do that to her? "In a sec" her next time she wants you to drive her somewhere :)

LuckyRedHen said...

That's classic!

The first couple days of my . I'm not the happiest. Jack was doing soemthing that annoyed me and I said, "That's getting on my nerves!" He asked, "What's nerves?" Ummm...

Lorien said...

oh, man! I think I just woke up the kids I was laughing so hard. Please tell me the public place was somewhere wonderful, and that it was full of uppity, stodgy folks who never even use the word secs, let alone do it!!!

Oh, and I loved the photo of your two boys' rooms--so wonderfully contrasting side by side, down to the rowed-up shoes and all!

Lorien said...

oh, and please describe L's reaction!

Geo said...

Aiieeee!!! I am laughing so hard that I fear I will wake up Sleeping Husband!

Guess what? You're going to be the next Young Women president in your ward.

(And Lorien, I love your comment. I also want some follow-up and further details on this post . . . .)

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Reminds of the time the Sharing Time leader asked the kids if they knew what a Virgin was, and my 5 year old daughter raised her hand and said, "Yep. I'm a Virgin".

Hushed silence. Then all eyes turned to me. I think she got confused with being a VIR-GO.

~j. said...


This is me said...

Fabulous. Absolutely fabulous.

dalene said...

Here's something even better. My sons who witnessed the whole exchange told me what I really said was this:


p.s. I absolutely love the VIRGIN story EWBL.

Sister Pottymouth said...

Today we are going to have a speshul sharing time about something that only men and boys have. Can anyone guess what that is? I'll give you a hint, boys and girls. The word starts with "p."

No, Janey, (snort) it's not "penis."

True story, or at least so I've heard. Next YW President nothin--I'm voting on Primary Pres for you!

That's the best story I've heard in FOREVER! Poor you! I want more details too!

Lyle said...

I hope she was more embarassed by it than you. Maybe it will curb her tendency to use that expression.

dalene said...

L~'s reaction was the typical eye rolling that would rival the very best 13-year-old. Except her mother at that age. When my kids roll their eyes at me I just laugh in their faces and tell them, "Don't mess with the QUEEN." Because I truly was in my day.

But L~ (who, incidentally just asked me if she could read my blog--the answer was no!) was embarrassed.

I was not a bit.

I'm still laughing.

Has it curbed her tendency to put me off? Not a bit.

Your collective church stories are too funny.

Sharing Time has definitely become much more interesting since last time I was in Primary!

Ms. Julie said...

This story immediately brings to mind a comic I once goes something like this:

Lance (at the door, car keys in hand): C'mon, Axel, we're late!

Axel (grooming himself at the vanity): Just a sec!

Lance: There's no time to wait!

Axel: Okay, half a sec!

Lance: We're running late...and you want to halve secs?!

Sister Pottymouth said...

Still laughing...these stories are just too funny.

Elizabeth-W said...

Ok, full disclosure. I'm such an idiot. Only after reading others' comments did I hear in my head what secs sounds like! Duh! No wonder everyone wanted to know the reaction! I'm such a ditz. You may delete my earlier post, if you choose. My apologies! Honestly....

Elizabeth-W said...
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dalene said...

elizabeth-w worries sistah!

Anne Coleman said...

I am just ROFL at the moment...I need to pick myself up (difficult at this stage-haha!)

Melody said...

I can here her say that! I have heard her say sec, mom.

As for your shouting of "no more" ... after I did my best to control the pants-wetting, I realized this phrase is not so funny for some of us. No matter how you spell it.

Ms. Julie said...

Melody, I just snorted a sympathetic chuckle. I know exactly what you mean. :)

Carina said...

I don't know what my mother would have done if I'd of said "one sec" to her...

It wouldn't have been pretty, that's for sure.