Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Choose an identity

Every time I post a comment on blogger blogs I am faced with the following invitation:
Choose an identity
If only it were that easy. I’m pretty OK being me, but every now and then I wish I could try on some other identity–just like when I was a kid and I was playing paper dolls. (OK, you’re right, I was more likely to be playing rock paper scissors than paper dolls, but work with me here.)
Susie doesn’t want to be the doctor today. This time she’d like to play the attorney. You know, that sort of thing.
Other identities I have wanted to try on are as follows:
Dr. Rae Crane (in Medicine Man.) This was early in my “I just want to be freakin’ brilliant atsomething” stage. And somehow saving the jungle and the world side by side with Sean Connery didn’t sound half bad at the time.
Jamie Stemple Buckman. I’m pretty sure I’d be good in PR. Their apartment was great. I always wanted a dog just like Murray. I wish Carol Burnett was my mother. And Paul Reiser makes me laugh. (Oh, but for the record, I never would’ve named my daughter an acronym for “Mothers Always Bring Extra Love.” Can you say “Jump the Shark?”)
And although the answer is no, I do not want to be Helen Hunt, probably my all-time favorite in another life I would be this character would be Dr. Jo Harding in Twister (Hmmm. Apparently still having fantasies about kicking butt as a brilliant scientist). I have a thing for wild weather and–in another life–I think fighting tornadoes would be great fun. “Cows! We have cows!” Jo’s crew was crazy and I loved her Aunt Meg. (I would want to be her Aunt Meg, too, but only when I was much much older.)
To name a few.
So, enough about me. Now it’s your turn:
Choose an identity

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